Η Acqua Chemitec συνεργάζεται και είναι αποκλειστικός αντιπρόσωπος Ν. Κέρκυρας της εταιρείας Crystal Clear, μετεξέλιξη του τμήματος Medical Maid που για πολλά χρόνια ειδικεύονταν στην αποστείρωση του αέρα και των επιφανειών με συσκευές που αξιοποιούν τις τεχνολογίες UVC Light και PCO (Φωτοκαταλυτική Οξείδωση).
Η Crystal Clear έχει αναπτύξει εξειδικευμένες λύσεις αποστείρωσης του αέρα και των επιφανειών με τις τεχνολογίες UVC Disinfection και Φωτοκαταλυτικής Οξείδωσης (PCO).
Κατεβάστε εδώ τον πλήρη κατάλογο προϊόντων και τεχνολογιών απολύμανσης αέρα και επιφανειών της Crystal Clear.

Συνεχής προστασία από ιούς, βακτήρια, μύκητες, αλλεργιογόνα, πτητικές οργανικές ενώσεις και δυσάρεστες οσμές σε:
Και σε κάθε χώρο όπου απαιτείται ο έλεγχος του μικροβιακού φορτίου και η εξουδετέρωση δυσάρεστων οσμών.
Αποτελεσματικότητα UVC κατά COVID-19
Στα πλαίσια της αντιμετώπισης των κινδύνων από τον COVID-19, η αδιαμφισβήτητη αποτελεσματικότητα των τεχνολογιών που οι συσκευές και υπηρεσίες μας ενσωματώνουν, ΟΛΟΙ οι επίσημοι & αρμόδιοι παγκόσμιοι φορείς ΣΥΣΤΗΝΟΥΝ την αξιοποίηση τους σε ευρεία κλίμακα, ειδικά στον έλεγχο του αέρα κλειστών χώρων.
Ενδεικτικά, στο αρχείο “ASHRAE-LTR-TO-WHO-3-23-2020” ο γενικός διευθυντής της ASHRAE, απευθυνόμενος στον πρόεδρο του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας, συστήνει τη χρήση της UVC σαν αποτελεσματικό μέτρο ελέγχου του COVID19.
….With over 57,000 ASHRAE members in 192 chapters located in 132 countries, these resources and technical assistance can be readily disseminated around the world. ASHRAE has developed proactive guidance to help address COVID-19 concerns with respect to the operation and maintenance of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems…
Use of ASHRAE’s Position Document on Airborne Infectious Diseases, which identifies ventilation, particle filtration and UVGI as controls that are demonstrated to be effective.
ASHRAE’s Technical Committee 2.9, “Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment” can provide additional technical assistance with all aspects of equipment and systems that utilize ultraviolet radiation to destroy or deactivate chemical and/or biological air and surface contaminants in HVAC systems and indoor spaces.
CDC Interim guidance to reduce the risk of introducing and transmitting SARS COV-2
“Air Filtration
It may not be possible to locate cooling centers in buildings with high ventilation capacity similar to healthcare facilities. If possible cooling centers should be equipped with air exchange systems, and be located in buildings with tall ceilings. Utilize the highest efficiency filters that are compatible with the cooling center’s existing HVAC system, and adopt “clean-to-dirty” directional airflows. If resources allow, ceiling fans with upward airflow rotation combined with upper-air ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) disinfection systems can be utilized.”
“CDC COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings
Consider using ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) as a supplement to help inactivate the virus.”
“CDC Guidance for Dental Settings
Engineering Controls
Consider the use of upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) as an adjunct to higher ventilation and air cleaning rates.”
ASHRAE Position Document on Infectious Aerosols Approved by ASHRAE Board of Directors April 14, 2020
“ASHRAE will continue to support research that advances the knowledge base of indoor airmanagement strategies aimed to reduce occupant exposure to infectious aerosols. Chief among these ventilation-related strategies are dilution, airflow patterns, pressurization, temperature and humidity distribution and control, filtration, and other strategies such as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). While the exact level of ventilation effectiveness varies with local conditions and the pathogens involved, ASHRAE believes that these techniques, when properly applied, can reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases through aerosols”
“Dilution and extraction ventilation, pressurization, airflow distribution and optimization, mechanical filtration, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), and humidity control are effective strategies for reducing the risk of dissemination of infectious aerosols in buildings and transportation environments.”
“The entire ultraviolet (UV) spectrum can kill or inactivate microorganisms, but UV-C energy (in the wavelengths from 200 to 280 nm) provides the most germicidal effect, with 265 nm being the optimum wavelength. The majority of modern UVGI lamps create UV-C energy at a near optimum 254 nm wavelength. UVGI inactivates microorganisms by damaging the structure of nucleic acids and proteins with the effectiveness dependent upon the UV dose and the susceptibility of the microorganism. The safety of UV-C is well known. It does not penetrate deeply into human tissue, but it can penetrate the very outer surfaces of the eyes and skin, with the eyes being most susceptible to damage. Therefore, shielding is needed to prevent direct exposure to the eyes. While ASHRAE Position Document on Filtration and Air Cleaning (2018) does not make a recommendation for or against the use of UV energy in air systems for minimizing the risks from infectious aerosols, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has approved UVGI as an adjunct to filtration for reduction of tuberculosis risk and has published a guideline on its application (CDC 2005, 2009).7 (Evidence Level A)”
Final ASHRAE position:
Based on risk assessments, the use of specific HVAC strategies supported by the evidence-based literature should be considered, including the following:
“Upper-room UVGI (with possible in-room fans) as a supplement to supply airflow (Evidence Level A)”
Healthcare buildings8 should consider design and operation to do the following:
«Use UVGI”
Non-healthcare buildings should have a plan for an emergency response. The following modifications to building HVAC system operation should be considered:
“Add duct- or air-handling-unit-mounted, upper room, and/or portable UVGI devices in connection to in-room fans in high-density spaces such as waiting rooms, prisons, and shelters.”